Do you want to spread the word about what you have accomplished as a brand? Are you involved in helping others grow? We welcome you to become an IntellaSphere brand promoter!

Join Our Affiliate Program

Drive traffic from your site to and earn a commission on every new paid Brand Affinity Marketing System subscriber. It's that simple.

We invite our fans, customers and supporters to spread the word about IntellaSphere. Please apply for and join IntellaSphere's Affiliate Program and easily earn extra income!

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How Does It Work?

Here are the steps you'll need to take:

  1. Apply to our affiliate network partner, AvantLink
  2. Fill in the application for IntellaSphere
  3. Get approved and post links on your site
  4. Encourage people to try IntellaSphere

You'll get paid every time an IntellaSphere free trialer converts to a paid membership, if they first discovered us through your links.

We reward our valued affiliate promoters generously, paying you $3 every time a new subscriber signs up for an account. This includes our always free edition!

Get Started With AvantLink & IntellaSphere

Why Become A Digital Marketing Affiliate?

IntellaSphere offers the first Brand Affinity Marketing System that's rapidly gaining adoption among marketers who want to boost their marketing impact through active brand promoters -- at a price that doesn't break the bank.

Make money while helping others discover it's possible to...

  • Get your supporters to help you promote, at almost no cost
  • Keep up with your daily marketing efforts, with far less stress
  • Gain access to what only the biggest brands could afford before

Apply Today